ASM Population: 850,000
Although based on statistic modelling, data from UBC-14 appear the most relistic. Rounded to closest 50,000. → 850,000
As other data differ widely, uncertainty is high and variation is estimated high at 25% (+/- 200,000)
Female participation: Perhaps less direct participation in garimpos, but regular in gemstones. Guess 15%: 130,000 (?)
Gold: Best guess is that 2/3 are gold miners: 600,000. The rest might be gemstone miners (especially in Minas Gerais!) and diamond
Data sources for estimation
2014: 861,000
(UBC-14): Gold-only data produced by statistic modelling:
Expected ASM population: 862,000 Estimated ASM gold production: 21 - 64.9 t/a
2014: 75,200
(SPDA-14): 75,200
Data apparently for gold only. Quote: “Recientemente en un Informe Técnico -Perfil del Oro (2009) MME-, los números apuntan a cerca de 75 mil en la Amazonía.“
Tapajós:35,000 Sul do Pará: 15,500 Norte do Mato Grosso: 12,000 Amapá: 5,000 Rondonia: 3,000 Roraima: 1,500 Gurupi: 1,200 Amazonas: 1,000 Goias: 1,000
2013: 10,000
(IIED-13): 10,000
2003: 10,000
(MMSD-03): Estimate for MMSD research country: 10,000
MMSD data by CETEM (
1999: 5,800
(ILO-99): Employment: 100,000 - 200,000
Number of mines: 10,000
Illegal mines: +/- 90%
Reference | Year | Citation | Archived Copy | Link |
ARM-18 | 2018 | Barreto, M.L.,Schein, P., Hinton, J., Hruschka, F. (2018): The Impact of Small-Scale Mining Operations on Economies and Livelihoods in Low- to Middle-Income Countries. ARM, Envigado, PACT, Westcombe. | arm-18.pdf |… |
GMA-18 | 2018 | UNEP (2018): Global Mercury Assessment 2018. Technical Background Report E-Annex. Chapter 3.2. UNEP, Geneva. | gma-18.pdf |… |
IGF-18 | 2018 | IGF (2018): Global Trends in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM): A review of key numbers and issues. IIED/IISD, London, Winnipeg. | igf-18.pdf |… |
IIED-13 | 2013 | Buxton, A. (2013): Responding to the challenge of artisanal and small-scale mining. How can knowledge networks help? IIED, London. | iied-13.pdf |… |
ILO-99 | 1999 | Jennings, N. (1999): Social and labour issues in small-scale mines. Report for discussion at the Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines. ILO, Geneva. | ilo-99.pdf |… |
MMSD-03 | 2003 | Hentschel, T., Hruschka, F., Priester, M. (2003): Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining - Challenges and Opportunities. MMSD (IIED), London. | mmsd-03.pdf |… |
SPDA-14 | 2014 | Heck, C., coord. (2014): La realidad de la minería ilegal en países amazónicos. SPDA. Lima. | spda-14.pdf |… |
UBC-14 | 2014 | Seccatore, J., Veiga, M., et al. (Univ. of British Columbia - UBC) (2014): An estimation of the artisanal small-scale production of gold in the world. Scitotenv. 496. | ubc-14.pdf |… |
Further Materials
ASM DATA - Country Database Record | |
Country Code | BRA |
Country | Brazil |
ASM Status | Existing (data assessed) |
Country Count | 1 |
Data year | 2014 |
Publ. year | 2014 |
ASM Miners | 850,000 |
- gold | 600 ,000 |
Data curation | extrapolated |
Inc. DevMin | no |
- min. | 650,000 |
- max. | 1,050,000 |
- female | 130 ,000 |
ASM Commodities | gold, gemstone, diamond |