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country:congo_drc [2022/02/23] – Struct data changed Felix Hruschkacountry:congo_drc [2022/10/27] (current) – inline edit Felix Hruschka
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 ==== ASM Population: 2,000,000 ==== ==== ASM Population: 2,000,000 ====
-Estimation of 2,000,000 from CASM-07, republished by IIED-13 and ARM-18, appear still most coherent with current hearsay.\\ +Estimation of **2,000,000** from CASM-07, republished by IIED-13 and ARM-18, appear still most coherent with current hearsay.\\ 
-Min/max: 2,910,000 from UBC-14 appear somewhat exagerated. A range of +500,000/-200,000 seems reasonable, given the intransparent situation of ASM in the DRC.\\ +Min/max: 2,910,000 from UBC-14 appear somewhat exagerated. A range of **+500,000/-200,000** seems reasonable, given the intransparent situation of ASM in the DRC.\\ 
-Female participation: Best guess is 30%, i.e. 600,000.\\ +Female participation: Best guess is 30%, i.e. **600,000**.\\ 
-Gold: After Dood-Frank 1502, many 3T-miner shifted to gold. Additionally, due to the increase of gold price since 2007, the ~120,000 quoted in CASM-07, might have increased to ~500-1,000,000, which would be closer to UBC-14. Best guess is 750,000.\\+Gold: After Dood-Frank 1502, many 3T-miner shifted to gold. Additionally, due to the increase of gold price since 2007, the ~120,000 gold miner indicated in CASM-07, might have increased to ~500-1,000,000, which would be closer to UBC-14. Best guess is **750,000**.\\
 ==== Data sources for estimation ==== ==== Data sources for estimation ====
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 ===2018: 200,000 === ===2018: 200,000 ===
-(IGF-18): Table 3+(IGF-18): Table 3, quoting HIL-16
   Directly working in ASM: 200,000   Directly working in ASM: 200,000
   Estimated number of dependants: 1,200,000   Estimated number of dependants: 1,200,000
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 Illegal mines: n/a \\ Illegal mines: n/a \\
 \\ \\
 ==== Publications ==== ==== Publications ====
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 ==== Further Materials ==== ==== Further Materials ====
-Videos: \\ 
-Articles: \\+**Map:**\\ 
 +IPIS: Carte de l'exploitation minière artisanale dans l'Est de la RD Congo. https://www.ipisresearch.be/mapping/webmapping/drcongo/v6/#-3/28/5/4/1/ \\ 
 +**Videos:** \\ 
 +https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF1F628991F1859D2 \\ 
 +**Articles:** \\ 
 +Ken Matthysen (IPIS), Steven Spittaels (IPIS associate researcher), Peer Schouten (DIIS): Mapping artisanal mining areas and mineral supply chains in Eastern DR Congo. Impact of armed interference & responsible sourcing. https://ipisresearch.be/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1904-IOM-mapping-eastern-DRC.pdf\\
 +==== Data section ====
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 asmdata.asm_c_name   : Congo DRC asmdata.asm_c_name   : Congo DRC
 asmdata.asm_status   : Existing (data assessed) asmdata.asm_status   : Existing (data assessed)
 +asmdata.asm_count    : 1
 asmdata.asm_y_last   : 2007-01-01 asmdata.asm_y_last   : 2007-01-01
 asmdata.asm_y_source : 2018-01-01 asmdata.asm_y_source : 2018-01-01
 asmdata.asm_miners_estimate : 2000000 asmdata.asm_miners_estimate : 2000000
 +asmdata.asgm_miners_estimate : 750000
 +asmdata.asm_data_curation : extrapolated
 asmdata.asm_devmin   : some asmdata.asm_devmin   : some
 asmdata.asm_miners_min : 1800000 asmdata.asm_miners_min : 1800000
 asmdata.asm_miners_max : 2500000 asmdata.asm_miners_max : 2500000
 asmdata.asm_female   : 600000 asmdata.asm_female   : 600000
-asmdata.asgm_miners_estimate : 750000 
 asmdata.asm_commodity : gold, diamond, 3T, cobalt, copper asmdata.asm_commodity : gold, diamond, 3T, cobalt, copper
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  • country/congo_drc.1645623841.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/02/23
  • (external edit)