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country:zimbabwe [2022/03/07] Felix Hruschkacountry:zimbabwe [2022/10/27] (current) – inline edit Felix Hruschka
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 ====== Zimbabwe ====== ====== Zimbabwe ======
-==== ASM Population: 509,000 ====+==== ASM Population: 1,000,000 ==== 
 +Total Population: Often quoted in Zimbabwean news articles is the estimation of 500,000 - 1,500,000 (as in ZWE-2018a). This appears to be more realistic than partly outdated publications. -> 1,000,000\\ 
 +Min/Max: The above estimation has a broad range. This might be partly attributed to uncertainty, but also to the population entering and exiting ASM according to economic constraints. -> 0.5 - 1.5 million\\ 
 +Female participation: Perhaps somewhere between the 1/3 (MMSD-03) and the 11% (ZWE-2015a) -> 25% i.e. 250,000\\ 
 +Gold: Probably (conservative estimate) at the lower range of Total -> 600,000 
 ==== Data sources for estimation ==== ==== Data sources for estimation ====
-===2018: 500,000 ===+===2018: 500,000 - 1,500,000 === 
 +  "It is estimated that there are between 500,000 and 1,5 million artisanal and small scale miners operating in zimbabwe and of these only 16% are registered according to the mines and minerals regulation act Chapter 21;05.whilst 84% remain unregistered"  
 (IGF-18): Table 3 quoting HIL-16 (IGF-18): Table 3 quoting HIL-16
   Directly working in ASM: 500,000   Directly working in ASM: 500,000
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   Estimated number of dependants: 3,000,000   Estimated number of dependants: 3,000,000
-===2015: 1,000,000 ===+===2015: ===
 (ZWE-2015a):  (ZWE-2015a): 
 +  Women "Previous studies and reports have estimated that more than one-third of artisanal miners are women. The Pact scoping study found that only 11 percent of artisanal miners in the two target areas were women."
 ===2014: 509,000 === ===2014: 509,000 ===
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 ===2003: 350,000 === ===2003: 350,000 ===
-(MMSD-03):  Estimate for MMSD research country: **350,000**\\+(MMSD-03):  Estimate for MMSD research country: 350,000, 153,000 of them women and children\\
 MMSD study by B.Drechsler (https://commdev.org/pdf/publications/Small-Scale-Mining-Development-SADC-Region.pdf)\\ MMSD study by B.Drechsler (https://commdev.org/pdf/publications/Small-Scale-Mining-Development-SADC-Region.pdf)\\
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 ==== Further Materials ==== ==== Further Materials ====
 Videos: \\ Videos: \\
 +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HEPUEQHFgo&list=PL3FBA6D62804939A6 \\ 
 Articles: \\ Articles: \\
- +\\ 
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 asmdata.asm_c_name   : Zimbabwe asmdata.asm_c_name   : Zimbabwe
 asmdata.asm_status   : Existing (data assessed) asmdata.asm_status   : Existing (data assessed)
-asmdata.asm_y_last   :  +asmdata.asm_count    : 1 
-asmdata.asm_y_source :  +asmdata.asm_y_last   : 2018-01-01 
-asmdata.asm_miners_estimate : 509000 +asmdata.asm_y_source : 2018-01-01 
-asmdata.asm_devmin   :  +asmdata.asm_miners_estimate : 1000000 
-asmdata.asm_miners_min :  +asmdata.asgm_miners_estimate : 600000 
-asmdata.asm_miners_max :  +asmdata.asm_data_curation : extrapolated 
-asmdata.asm_female   :  +asmdata.asm_devmin   : no 
-asmdata.asgm_miners_estimate :  +asmdata.asm_miners_min : 500000 
-asmdata.asm_commodity : +asmdata.asm_miners_max : 1500000 
 +asmdata.asm_female   : 250000 
 +asmdata.asm_commodity : gold, gemstone, diamond
 ---- ----
  • country/zimbabwe.1646685951.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/03/07
  • (external edit)