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country:zimbabwe [2022/03/07] Felix Hruschkacountry:zimbabwe [2022/10/27] (current) – inline edit Felix Hruschka
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 ====== Zimbabwe ====== ====== Zimbabwe ======
-==== ASM Population: 509,000 ====+==== ASM Population: 1,000,000 ==== 
 +Total Population: Often quoted in Zimbabwean news articles is the estimation of 500,000 - 1,500,000 (as in ZWE-2018a). This appears to be more realistic than partly outdated publications. -> 1,000,000\\ 
 +Min/Max: The above estimation has a broad range. This might be partly attributed to uncertainty, but also to the population entering and exiting ASM according to economic constraints. -> 0.5 - 1.5 million\\ 
 +Female participation: Perhaps somewhere between the 1/3 (MMSD-03) and the 11% (ZWE-2015a) -> 25% i.e. 250,000\\ 
 +Gold: Probably (conservative estimate) at the lower range of Total -> 600,000 
 ==== Data sources for estimation ==== ==== Data sources for estimation ====
-===2018: 500,000 ===+===2018: 500,000 - 1,500,000 === 
 +  "It is estimated that there are between 500,000 and 1,5 million artisanal and small scale miners operating in zimbabwe and of these only 16% are registered according to the mines and minerals regulation act Chapter 21;05.whilst 84% remain unregistered"  
 (IGF-18): Table 3 quoting HIL-16 (IGF-18): Table 3 quoting HIL-16
   Directly working in ASM: 500,000   Directly working in ASM: 500,000
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   Estimated number of dependants: 3,000,000   Estimated number of dependants: 3,000,000
-===2015: 1,000,000 ===+===2015: ===
 (ZWE-2015a):  (ZWE-2015a): 
   Women "Previous studies and reports have estimated that more than one-third of artisanal miners are women. The Pact scoping study found that only 11 percent of artisanal miners in the two target areas were women."   Women "Previous studies and reports have estimated that more than one-third of artisanal miners are women. The Pact scoping study found that only 11 percent of artisanal miners in the two target areas were women."
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 ==== Further Materials ==== ==== Further Materials ====
 Videos: \\ Videos: \\
 +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HEPUEQHFgo&list=PL3FBA6D62804939A6 \\ 
 Articles: \\ Articles: \\
- +\\ 
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 asmdata.asm_c_name   : Zimbabwe asmdata.asm_c_name   : Zimbabwe
 asmdata.asm_status   : Existing (data assessed) asmdata.asm_status   : Existing (data assessed)
-asmdata.asm_y_last   :  +asmdata.asm_count    : 1 
-asmdata.asm_y_source :  +asmdata.asm_y_last   : 2018-01-01 
-asmdata.asm_miners_estimate : 509000 +asmdata.asm_y_source : 2018-01-01 
-asmdata.asm_devmin   :  +asmdata.asm_miners_estimate : 1000000 
-asmdata.asm_miners_min :  +asmdata.asgm_miners_estimate : 600000 
-asmdata.asm_miners_max :  +asmdata.asm_data_curation : extrapolated 
-asmdata.asm_female   :  +asmdata.asm_devmin   : no 
-asmdata.asgm_miners_estimate :  +asmdata.asm_miners_min : 500000 
-asmdata.asm_commodity : +asmdata.asm_miners_max : 1500000 
 +asmdata.asm_female   : 250000 
 +asmdata.asm_commodity : gold, gemstone, diamond
 ---- ----
  • country/zimbabwe.1646690219.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/03/07
  • (external edit)